Involves the injection of an FDA-approved chemical (sclerosant) into unwanted veins either under direct vision or ultrasound guidance. The targeted veins can be medically necessary or cosmetic as the end effect is to close or eliminate a vein through a process called sclerosis. In most cases, the foaming of the detergent sclerosant (Sotradecol® or Asclera®) takes place and the process is called “foam sclerotherapy”. At Vein Care Medical Center no hypertonic saline (“salt water”) is injected.
Varicose veins and spider veins look unsightly and can sometimes be a warning sign that you have other health issues. If your problem veins are causing you emotional or physical discomfort, Michael D. Landau, MD, at Vein Care Medical Center in Beverly Grove (Miracle Mile District) and Walnut, California, can help. Dr. Landau is an expert in vein diseases and treats unsightly veins using the most advanced forms of sclerotherapy to remove problem veins without surgery. Call or send an email to Vein Care Medical Center today to schedule a consultation or book an appointment.
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